The Dentart dental clinic offers a range of services intended for dental practioners in order to establish a treatment plan. The use of the latest generation equipment allows the use of reduced radiation doses by about 90%. The clinical services include:
  • Panoramic radiography
  • Retroalveolar radiography (periapical)
  • TL Profile Radiography (cephalometry)
  • 3D Radiography  (CBCT)
Panoramic Radiography - is a method of investigation that allows the overall view of dentition (all teeth) and surrounding maxillofacial elements (maxillary and mandibular bone, maxillary sinus, temporomandibular joints).
Retroalveolar radiography (periapical) - this provides a picture of the entire tooth, from the crown to the root and the bone in which it is anchored. The radiography helps the physician to identify some of the most common problems: cavities, dental abscess, gum diseases, restoration work status, presence of tartar and cracks. 

TL Profile Radiography (cephalometry) - ​ is the most precise method of investigation that helps to diagnose a dento-maxillary abnormality. It provides information on the sense and direction for the development of bone structures.

3D Radiography (CBCT) – The dental tomography brings valuable information because provides three-dimensional images: axial, sagittal and panoramic of the dental arcade. These complex images allow the dental practioner to accurately view, measure and plan the future treatment plan, excluding the possible risks.

The dental radiography is required for: detection of teeth infections, assessment of periodontal condition, discovery of interdental cavities, identification of cracks or abnormalities, identification of unerupted teeth and teeth in progress of eruption, but also for evaluation of dental implant, orthodontic appliances and endodontic treatments.